Your Magickal Cabinet (Basic Supplies for All Your Needs)
Karen Charboneau HarrisonShare
© Copyright 2023 Karen Charboneau-Harrison, All Rights Reserved.
The practice of Wicca is both a religion and a craft. Over time you will collect all kinds of tools and equipment to use as you make magickal herbal items, amulets, charge candles for magickal purposes and much more. Here is a listing of the basics that you will want to have on hand to always be ready to practice your Craft!
You’ll want to have at least one herb or resin for each planetary energy so that you are prepared to create any incense, herbal amulet or poppet whenever the need arises. I recommend Frankincense resin for the SUN (success, personal power), Myrrh resin for the MOON (psychic ability, subconscious, dreams), Red Sandalwood for MARS (energy, courage, protection), Cinnamon for MERCURY (memory, mental sharpness), Cedar for JUPITER (abundance, growth), Rose for VENUS (love, beauty, art), Patchouli for SATURN (grounding, protection), White Willow for NEPTUNE (inspiration), Nutmeg for URANUS (change, health, visions) and Poppy seeds for PLUTO (inner knowledge, karma). Be sure that you have a MORTAR and PESTLE to crush and mix your herbs.
Have one bottle of each of the following oils to be able to create ritual oil blends, bath-salts and to add to your ritual incenses. Frankincense oil for the SUN, White Sandalwood oil for the MOON, Honeysuckle oil for MARS, Lavender oil for MERCURY, Magnolia oil for JUPITER, Rose oil for VENUS, Patchouli oil for Saturn, Wisteria oil for NEPTUNE, Allspice oil for URANUS and Musk oil for PLUTO.
You’ll also want to have lots of jars, vials and small containers in which to store your herbal creations. Baby food jars are perfect for most incenses. Keep your herbs and herbal mixtures in a cool, dark, dry place and they’ll last much longer.
Keep on hand these colors – white (purification), black (blocking), green (prosperity, health), blue (peace, tranquility), orange (energy, vitality), pink (love, beauty) and purple (spiritual evolution, meditation).You will be purchasing other colors as you develop rituals you want to do, but these colors will cover just about anything you may run up against at the last minute. You will also need a CANDLE SNUFFER, MATCHES and at least six CANDLE HOLDERS. You may not always need six holders for each ritual, but you’ll want to be prepared in case.
In a small box keep your CHARCOAL, MATCHES/LIGHTER and SAND OR KITTY LITTER (to set your hot charcoal down on) and INCENSE BURNER. At times you may choose to burn just Frankincense resin or just Myrrh resin for purification purposes. It’s a good idea to have an INCENSE SPOON to dish out a small amount of your incenses so you don’t get incense stuck under your finger nails! You’ll also want a few small containers to place your incense in on your altar at each ritual.
You may end up with more than one ALTAR CLOTH (you may want to color-coordinate your altar cloths with the type of energy you’re invoking at various rituals), but you need at least one black altar cloth around 3 feet square for general purposes.
Keep on hand SEA SALT and SPRING WATER for cleansing the energy of objects and casting your Circle. You’ll need a small container to place your salt in for use on your altar. Generally speaking you’ll be using your CHALICE on your altar to contain your water for cleansing.
You’ll need PARCHMENT and PEN for drawing talismans and writing spells. Some people like to use FEATHER QUILLS and MAGICKAL INKS for this type of work but you can also use a good quality pen or Sharpies in different colors, too.
Try the following CRYSTALS and STONES for general spellwork: Jade or green Aventurine for prosperity; Hematite or Onyx for protection and grounding; Carnelian or Gold Tiger’s Eye for healing; Amethyst or Moonstone for meditation or spiritual work.
Get some CORD or RIBBON (non-synthetic) in various colors for tying up herbal amulet bags or cord magick.
You’ll want at least one DIVINATION DEVICE so you can get information about various things – information about what is going on in your life or to help you decide the best approach for a ritual. Most commonly used divination tools are TAROT DECKS, PENDULUMS, CRYSTAL BALLS or RUNE STONES.
You’ll need a nice RITUAL ROBE or TABARD. Ritual robes can be hooded or not as you prefer and tend to slip over the head. Tabards are robes which are open in the front. You can never have enough small STORAGE BOXES for candles, incenses, stones and all of the other accoutrements you will collect over time.
I like to have a TAPE, or CD player, or streaming service for background music to cover up outside noises of sirens, barking dogs, etc while you are in Circle.
Of course, you’ll also have your Elemental Tools in your Witch’s Cabinet: Athame (ritual knife), Wand, Chalice (keep two – one for strictly ceremonial use and the other to mix potions in or scry with) and Pentacle. You’ll need a blank BOOK OF SHADOWS to record your workings and spells. I’d recommend another blank book as well for your ongoing thoughts and projects. Once you have something worked out on paper, you can transfer the information neatly to your permanent Book of Shadows.
Initially, due to space limitations or budget, you may just store your tools and accoutrements in a cardboard or plastic storage container that you can obtain at your local hardware store. Once you have gotten out all of the things you need for a particular working, you can cover this storage box with your altar cloth and use it as your altar as well. Eventually you will need an actual cabinet (it’s amazing how much stuff a Witch can collect!) and you may want to check out garage sales or flea markets for a China Cabinet to use as permanent storage.
This will get you started! Happy Magicks!
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Go to Lesson 2: The Use of Symbology in Magick
Go to Lesson 3: Visualization in Magick
Go to Lesson 4: Developing the Magickal Will
Go to Lesson 5: Use of Energy Flows in Magick
Go to Lesson 6: The Magick of Color
Go to Lesson 7: The Magick of Music
Go to Lesson 8: What Is Magick