Call Isis Books at 303 761 8627 to book an appointment with your favorite reader! These readers are available for In Person sessions:
Charles * Kelly * Hilary * Hope * Kami * Wellyssa * Simone * Lilly * Emily
Kami is a beacon of kindness and resilience, always challenging the status quo and offering fresh perspectives that light the path ahead. She thrives in the spaces where evolving perceptions unfold, embracing the beauty of change. As a bringer of light and grace, Kami stands as a sacred witness and unwavering ally. Imperfect and joyously human, she embodies the essence of our shared experiences. Her upbeat style appeals to many Isis clients. Kami’s services include Tarot, psychic channeling, Reiki, death-work, and pastoral counseling.
Drueann is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Astrologer, Psychic and Mystic. She has been a professional reader for over 20 years. In a reading she receives visions and direct knowing from the client's higher guidance, spirit guides, and loved ones in spirit. Drueann is able to relay accurate, compassionate, insight and guidance on any area of your life specializing in relationships, career and health topics. Also a Oneness Blessing Facilitator, (Deeksha) Drueann is available to give individual Oneness Blessings at Isis. The Oneness Blessing is a energy transfer designed to create changes in awareness opening a individual up to higher states of consciousness, oneness, liberation from suffering and more. Typically people experience stillness of the mind, deep peace and or joy upon receiving the Oneness Blessing. Drueann is available at Isis on Tuesdays from 12:00-6:00pm.
Simone Liggins is an eclectic witch who translates the world through Astrology and Tarot. She offers card readings (with both Tarot and Oracle) and brief natal chart readings about love, career, and life mission/path with hopes of shining a light into the shadows of the soul. She is currently available for readings on Sundays 1 -5pm.

Kelly offers her intuitive gifts in a variety of ways. In Psychic Readings, she uses Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, & Claircognizance to receive messages, as well as Tarot/Oracle Cards, Divining Rods and the Pendulum for further clarity. She may receive messages about physical or emotional challenges and will work to clear the stagnant energy in the areas that need assistance. In Mediumship readings, she uses her clairs to connect with your past loved ones, pets, spirit team or angelic support to provide gentle messages of hope and healing Her style is both calming and up-lifting, leaving her clients with a greater sense of comfort, and awareness that we all serve a purpose while here on earth. Kelly can help you find answers to life’s pressing questions and will leave you with a sense of peace. With her heart-centered approach, she hopes that her clients to leave with an awareness that we are connected energetically, and that we are always supported by spirit. Available Thursdays Noon to 5pm
Cat Marquez: Catherine (Cat) is a Reiki Master, Tarot Reader and Healer in the Curanderismo tradition of Mexico, Central and South America. She blends many spiritual traditions and healing modalities that open energetic channels to assist with releasing pain, stress and unwanted energy that has accumulated in emotional, mental and physical bodies; creating an environment for healing, inner-peace and new beginnings.
Catalina, es Curandera, Temezcalera y Adivinadora. Ella provee sanacion para el cuerpo, mente y alma usando la manera antigua de los Mexicas, Mayas y Chinos. Trabaja con energia espiritual, hace sobadas y usa sonido y vibracion para abrir canales energeticas dentro de cuerpo humano. Estas technicas limpia obstruciones emocionales, mentales y espirituales. Se suelta pena, estres y todo que no te sirve para promover sanacion, paz y abrir nuevos caminos. Ella tambien provee adivinacion Tarot para ayudar te y guiar te atraves de los retos en la vida.
Available by appointment. (Ella esta disponible con una cita.) 10:30am-5:30pm
Charles is a psychic medium with over 35 years experience. Charles received his BSBA degree from Thomas Edison State University and ordained in 1991 as a Spiritualist Minister at Sunset Spiritualist Church. His readings offer a balanced approach to exploring your spiritual path while living in the physical world. "We are all Spiritual Beings having a Physical Experience" He is founder of The Denver Psychic Development Group. Since 2009, there have been over 780 classes attended by over 10,000 people. Personal One-On-One Development sessions are available Tuesdays Noon -5pm
Emily Jones is a Certified Professional Tarot Reader and Wiccan High Priestess with over 30 years experience working with the cards. She works with the tarot to assist clients in gaining a clearer perspective, making empowering choices and creating desired change. Emily also does energy and chakra clearing and balancing as well as spell, magick and ritual coaching. Thursdays 12:30-7pm Fridays Noon - 5pm
Hilary Hayne I am an Empath, a Medium and I read Oracle and Lenormand cards. During a reading I connect with your guides and often use cards to gain clarity on questions you have. As a medium I connect with your loved ones that have passed if they choose to step forward. I believe in creating a world where every person is lifted up in understanding, support, respect, and empowerment for their personal truths. My Mediumship ability allows me to connect in a way that gets right to heart of the matter. I teach life tools that you can use every day to overcome obstacles. It is my passion in life to help people find and live their ideal life! Mondays 11am-5:30pm
Wellyssa Spellsong I am an energy healer, psychic intuitive, Wiccan High Priestess and teacher. I provide energy healing, chakra and aura clearing, emotional healing/clearing, past life regression, soul retrieval, and akashic records journeying. I also read the bones and oracle cards and do house clearings. During healing work, I look into the body and both see and feel where there is pain, fatigue, stuck energy, or emotional trauma which has rooted itself within the body and needs to be released. I provide healing using various modalities such as energy, sound vibration and crystals. For PLR, Soul Retrieval and akashic records works I work with you in a state of trance to seek answers to your questions. I can also design powerful rituals, mantras or affirmations to help you achieve your goals and desires. I enjoy teaching the client how to do their own work and healing. My path is deeply sacred. I have claimed this work as my path and my purpose. May I be of service to you. Thursdays 10:30am-6pm 720-732-5798
Hope is a gifted psychic clairvoyant, channeler, and Reiki Master offering transformative readings, energy healing, and past life regressions. Guided by divine insight, she uncovers the root of challenges, reveals life purpose, and ignites lasting transformation. Certified as a Holistic Life Coach and Cacao Practitioner, Hope empowers clients to heal, grow, and embrace their soul’s blueprint. Experience profound clarity and life-changing guidance by booking a session with Hope today. Phone Sessions on Tuesdays In Person Sessions on Wednesdays.
Lilly has been a tarot reader for over ten years and is a Reiki Master. She uses tarot to help people connect with their own intuition for guidance in everyday life and mental health. She enjoys teaching tarot to explore the stories, symbols, colors, and societal depictions of the cards that connect to the collective consciousness. She enjoys teaching people how to use tarot in their own lives to see situations from a new perspective and seek creative solutions. Saturdays Noon - 5pm