Qabalistic Magick

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 7: Chesed - The Sphere...

Karen Charboneau Harrison

Chesed is Greatness, Magnificence and Divine Love and its energies are more Human than the supernal father of Chockmah, a sphere higher on the Tree which shares energy patterns with...

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 7: Chesed - The Sphere...

Karen Charboneau Harrison

Chesed is Greatness, Magnificence and Divine Love and its energies are more Human than the supernal father of Chockmah, a sphere higher on the Tree which shares energy patterns with...

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 6: Geburah - The Spher...

Karen Charboneau Harrison

Geburah is force, might, power and courage. "Nature red in tooth and claw" - this is not cruelty but the absence of Mercy. The Merciful Lion does not eat, and...

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 6: Geburah - The Spher...

Karen Charboneau Harrison

Geburah is force, might, power and courage. "Nature red in tooth and claw" - this is not cruelty but the absence of Mercy. The Merciful Lion does not eat, and...

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 5: Tiphareth

Karen Charboneau Harrison

TIPHARETH is considered the center or heart of the Tree of Life and its title is Beauty: the Beauty of Perfect Balance and Harmony.

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 5: Tiphareth

Karen Charboneau Harrison

TIPHARETH is considered the center or heart of the Tree of Life and its title is Beauty: the Beauty of Perfect Balance and Harmony.

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 4: Netzach: The Sphere...

Karen Charboneau Harrison

The sphere of NETZACH contains all instincts, raw emotions and feelings. This is the realm of Venus-Aphrodite who is not a fertility goddess but one of pure emotion and feeling....

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 4: Netzach: The Sphere...

Karen Charboneau Harrison

The sphere of NETZACH contains all instincts, raw emotions and feelings. This is the realm of Venus-Aphrodite who is not a fertility goddess but one of pure emotion and feeling....

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 3: Hod

Karen Charboneau Harrison

In Qabalistic thought, the universe and all dimensions are comprised of what is known as THE FOUR WORLDS or levels of existence and being. The top layer or level is...

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 3: Hod

Karen Charboneau Harrison

In Qabalistic thought, the universe and all dimensions are comprised of what is known as THE FOUR WORLDS or levels of existence and being. The top layer or level is...

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 2: Yesod

Karen Charboneau Harrison

Yesod is the astral, etheric level of existance, which is why one of its titles is the Foundation. It is in the Astral that thought-forms are fed and gain in...

Qabalistic Magick Lesson 2: Yesod

Karen Charboneau Harrison

Yesod is the astral, etheric level of existance, which is why one of its titles is the Foundation. It is in the Astral that thought-forms are fed and gain in...