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Sean McNamara

Coping with UFOs/UAP

Coping with UFOs/UAP


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Written by a professional counselor, this is designed to help those coping with the psychological effects of the media coverage of possible visitors from other parts of the galaxy, those who have encountered these visitors, and other counselors working with contactees or persons stressed by the possibility of otherworldly contact.

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Until now, the psychological and emotional needs of people affected by seeing UFOs either in the media or in real life have largely gone ignored or been underestimated. We are in one of the most important adjustment phases of our species, and many of us are experiencing a worldview crisis. People need support but don't know who to turn to for help learning to cope with the reality of UFOs / UAP after seeing them on the television, internet, or outside in the sky above.

Therefore, this book is for the following audiences:

  • Individuals experiencing worry, anxiety, stress, grief or trauma from learning about UFOs (unidentified flying objects) or UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena) in the news, particularly in light of video footage captured by Navy pilots and recent congressional hearings in which UFOs were regarded as real phenomena.
  • Individuals experiencing similar emotions, but from experiencing UFOs in real life, such as seeing one or more in the sky, seeing orbs, non-human entities, or having other experiences.
  • Individuals seeking to support a friend or loved one experiencing worry, anxiety, stress, grief or trauma related to UFOs/UAP.
  • Community leaders, including licensed counselors and therapists, who want to learn how to start and run a support group for people struggling with UFO-related worry, anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, and who are experiencing a worldview crisis.
  • Individuals seeking advice about releasing sensitive information to the public, UFO organizations, and others so as to protect themselves and not be taken advantage of.
  • Individuals struggling to use discernment when evaluating "experts", "researchers," and interviewers in the UFO field.
  • ​
  • Those interested in learning the results of the 2022 Future Planet Survey, which used over sixty questions seeking to understand how society would respond if an extreme UFO event were to occur.



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