Little Altars Everywhere, Witchy Style

Fran Carey

© Copyright 2024 Fran Carey, All Rights Reserved.

You can imbue your home and your world with magic, either blatantly or on the DL, by creating wee bits of enchanted space all around. All you need is some imagination, some space, even a tiny bit, and a few mystical bits and pieces, which can be anything from doll dishes to tarot cards to fabric store appliques.

The first step is deciding what you want the altar to do. These bits of alcove magic won't be your main altar. They will be supplements, either to specific deities or energies, or for certain goals.

The next is finding the right place. A corner of the garden can be made into an outdoor shrine. The corner of a bookshelf or the top of one works well, as does any shelf unit. If you still have a entertainment center, or a television with a flat top, those work wonderfully, and, being Americans, we tend to spend a lot of time looking at that and consequently will be giving the altar attention. The top of the refrigerator is also good for this reason. Just don't forget you have it there.

Now what to use in it? You want a central focus. This can be a statue of the deity in question, an image such as a greeting card, or something symbolic of the deity. If you are working with a concept, such as manifesting money, it can be something symbolic of the concept, such as a dollar coin. If you want something more ephemeral, think about using a tarot card. The Empress if you are a woman who wants more control in her world, the Emperor for a man wanting the same. The Two of Cups for love. The Hierophant for wisdom. The Strength card for courage.

Make this symbol the center of the area, and put things around it which enhance its energy, or as offerings to the deity. Chocolate as an offering to Ganesha, mead to Odin (or whiskey, He's easy), a bottle of sweet floral perfume for Yemaya. You can add candles, stones, herbs, or whatever you feel called to use.

You can make it in your face witchy, or more subtle. Create a happy home altar in the corner of the garden, under the hedge, by posing animal figurines around a tea table with doll dishes on it as if they are enjoying a tea party. Put a little vanilla oil on the table and the figurines, and put some Hearth incense and a few rose quartz stones in the dirt around the base. Your neighbors will think it's just whimsy, but you will know it's magic.

If you are lucky enough to have built in bookshelves, or have enough restraint to have empty space on yours, create a Wisdom altar. Use an amethyst cluster for your center, and put owl figurines, juniper cones, a candle, and a doll house lantern in the nook.

There is no reason, other than having to dust and maintain them, not to flood your world with the wonder of little magics in tiny spaces. Surround yourself with little altars everywhere!

Thank you, Rebecca Wells, for the inspiration!

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