
Ben Franklin Says Be Kind

Fran Carey

If you've ever taken a sales training class, one of the things you were probably taught was the Ben Franklin Close, in which you write the question on the top...

Ben Franklin Says Be Kind

Fran Carey

If you've ever taken a sales training class, one of the things you were probably taught was the Ben Franklin Close, in which you write the question on the top...

Moon Cycles for March 2025

Karen Charboneau Harrison

The VIRGO full moon on 3/14 is good for work, health, intellectual gain and self-development. Stones for this Moon are clear quartz and peridot, herbs are lavender and lemongrass and colors...

Moon Cycles for March 2025

Karen Charboneau Harrison

The VIRGO full moon on 3/14 is good for work, health, intellectual gain and self-development. Stones for this Moon are clear quartz and peridot, herbs are lavender and lemongrass and colors...

Building your Stairway to the Stars

Fran Carey

What is your wildest, craziest, reach-for-the-stars dream/hope/plan for the new year? How can you achieve it?

Building your Stairway to the Stars

Fran Carey

What is your wildest, craziest, reach-for-the-stars dream/hope/plan for the new year? How can you achieve it?

The Shortest Distance Between Two Worlds Is a D...

Fran Carey

Native cultures around the world have, for centuries, danced like the animals around them. They do this ritually, to celebrate and honor the animals from which they are descended, as...

The Shortest Distance Between Two Worlds Is a D...

Fran Carey

Native cultures around the world have, for centuries, danced like the animals around them. They do this ritually, to celebrate and honor the animals from which they are descended, as...

Karen Charboneau-Harrison Article Index

Fran Carey

Articles on Magick, Wicca, Herbal Magick, the Sabbats, the Elements of Magic, Egyptian Magick, Qabalistic Magick, the Fundamentals of Magick, protection spells, love spells, psychic self defense, magickal remnants, planetary...

Karen Charboneau-Harrison Article Index

Fran Carey

Articles on Magick, Wicca, Herbal Magick, the Sabbats, the Elements of Magic, Egyptian Magick, Qabalistic Magick, the Fundamentals of Magick, protection spells, love spells, psychic self defense, magickal remnants, planetary...