Ben Franklin Says Be Kind

Fran Carey

If you've ever taken a sales training class, one of the things you were probably taught was the Ben Franklin Close, in which you write the question on the top of a piece of paper, then make a column for Pros and one for Cons.  Here is why you should at least try to be kind, or, at worst, indifferent.

Why be kind Why be unkind
Costs nothing Costs the energy to be rude 
 Enhanced sense of self worth Loss of face, self esteem 
 Looks good in front of the neighbors Looks bad to outsiders 
 Accords with most spiritual traditions Goes against most spiritual traditions
People like you better Nobody likes a jerk
We are all connected Hurting others hurts you

So, on the whole, it is less trouble to be kind, and makes you the hero in your own eyes. Benjamin Franklin says be kind!

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