Change Your Shoes and Change Your Life

Fran Carey

© Copyright 2024 Fran Carey, All Rights Reserved.

How many pairs of shoes do you own? Most people, at least according to a 2023 report published on, own 7 to 8, with the average American coming in at 6. How many different types of shoes do you own, and who are you when you are wearing each type? If you are feeling muddy and out of sorts, if you need to feel effective, strong, or attractive, try changing your shoes to change your life.

We all know that shoes send a message about the person wearing them, whether they are sexy heels or tactical boots.  Use that energy to notify not just the outside world of who you are today, but yourself, too.  

A sexy pair of heels says you are confident in yourself and your self-worth.  Runners say you are ready to get down to business.   Flip-flops imply the situation is no big deal.  Tactical or combat boots say you are ready to defend yourself, up to and including kicking tail and taking names.  Basic pumps say you are professional and prepared.  Step out into the world, or the living room, shod for what you need to convey, and what you need to do today.

Changing shoes can be like putting on special garb for a ritual. It helps us get in the headspace for who we need to be, in the mood to do what we need to do, or at least out of the muddy, mopey, do nothing mood. Seeing the footwear on our feet, feeling it there, possibly even smelling it, can help us reset our minds and emotions, tell our subconscious, "Okay, it's time to do this thing now." Taking off the worn out everyday runners and putting on our slippers or a nicer pair of casual shoes can tell us we matter, we deserve rest and success, each in its right time.

And don't just toe out of the runners with them still tied and sloppily stuff your feet into any old pair of shoes you have lying around. Make a conscious choice as to which shoes to wear next, based on who you want to be, and take the time to put them on respectfully. Pay attention as you untie the sneakers and loose yourself from that mindset. Be in the moment as you fasten the buckles on the ankle straps of the heels and attach the fresh, dyamic personality to yourself. Center and ground as you put on the runners for actual running. Visualize yourself floating easily over the trail or sidewalk, breathing smooth, form perfect. Envision yourself as the perfect version of the you the shoes represent.

So let this be your justification to replace the utterly blown runners, the tennies with more holes than sole, or the flip flops that are leaving little bits of themselves along the way. Buy a pair of shoes that makes you believe you can be whoever you dream you can, and wear the sexy heels to the afternoon matinee. Change your shoes and change your life.

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