Women's Herbalogy - Part 2
Karen Charboneau HarrisonShare
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Sometimes the problem can be that your vaginal fluids are too acidic for the sperm and can kill them off. Try using Vitamin E oil or egg white as a vaginal lubricant during sex. Take a daily dose of Bioflavonoids to strengthen your reproductive system and to help avoid miscarriage. Avoid caffeine in your diet and add meditation and gentle exercise to help you to relax and decrease stress. Herbs you can use to help promote fertility are Damiana to tone the reproductive system, Siberian Ginseng as a general tonic and to help with stress, Sarsaparilla to enhance hormonal production, Raspberry Leaves and Black Currant leaves to regulate your system (3to 6 capsules daily), Sage which imitates estrogen for ovulation help, Licorice root as a uterine tonic, ovulation aid and to stimulate the production estrogen and Saw Palmetto which soothes the uterus and ovaries as well as aiding ovulation.
You can use Black Cohosh, Uva Ursi, Fenugreek, Black Haw Bark and Golden Seal to help contract the uterus and tone your system when you first begin your contractions (let your doctor know!). Saw Palmetto, Motherwort and Fenugreek are helpful to stimulate lactation. Don't eat garlic, onions or chocolate if breastfeeding. The taste of garlic or onions can transfer through your milk, making your baby less likely to enjoy the taste of your milk. Chocolate can over stimulate your baby and give him/her diarrhea.
Take Vitamin E to ease hot flashes and use the same vitamin therapy as for PMS (see Women’s Herbs – Part One). Add Vitamins A and F (in sunflower oil), B complex, calcium, iron and magnesium to help with hot flashes and mood swings. Raspberry Leaves and Black Currant regulate your system, Sage and Dong Quai imitate estrogen to help regulate hormones and Licorice root stimulates your pituitary gland to produce estrogen in your system.
Yeast infections are caused by an overabundance of Candida Albans which is a fungus always present in the vagina - if you experience an imbalance in your system (like from antibiotics or stress) this fungus can flare up into infection. Pregnancy, taking the Pill, hormonal replacement for menopause, over douching (more than once a week), spermicides and diabetes can all also contribute to having yeast infections. Try sleeping without panties to allow moisture to escape or use cotton panties rather than nylon or silk for the same reason. Wear loose, non-chafing clothing. Use uncolored, unscented toilet paper. Avoid yeast and molds: beer, wine, breads, pickles, cheese, mushrooms and sugar. Use menstrual pads rather than tampons. Sometimes a yeast infection can be a sign of a Vitamin B Complex deficiency. Treatment: apply topically or douche with ½ cup plain yoghurt with ½ cup acidopholis. Eat this mixture daily as well. Add a dose of Vitamin A 25,000mg, Vitamin B Complex (B1 25mg, B2 25mg, B6 25mg), Vitamin D 400iu, Vitamin C 2000mg, Zinc 20mg, and Pantothenic Acid 100mg daily. Some people have successfully used a Garlic clove like a tampon, placing a large (you don’t want to lose it in there!) garlic clove wrapped in light cotton or cheesecloth in the entrance to the vagina. Herbs you may want to experiment with are Goldenseal which reduces inflammation of mucous membranes and is an antibiotic – don’t ingest this if you are pregnant, however, as it can cause your uterus to contract causing miscarriage. Use Witch Hazel as an astringent for your blood vessels and mucous membranes; Plantain leaves for soothing, anti-irritant and cooling; Buchu Leaf to eliminate mucous, acid urine, irritation and inflammation. Myrrh inhibits secretions and is an antiseptic; Juniper Berry as an urinary antiseptic. You can use all of these in a tea, herbal capsule which you ingest or in a douche.
While aging is a big factor in osteoperosis, you may have a family history of bone degeneration. It seems to be quite prevalent in women of white European ancestry who are of fair complexion and are small boned. You may find yourself prone to it if you have unusually low body fat, are over 40, have had a hysterectomy, have never given birth, experienced an early menopause and/or have an allergy to dairy and so are low on your calcium intake. You will want to restrict your ingestion of alcohol, caffeine, salt, and phospate (which is added to soft drinks). You need to add exercise to your daily life – nothing stringent but exercise which involves the use of weight on your bones to help strengthen them and encourage bone growth. Add calcium to your diet as well as Vitamins A and D, plus magnesium for absorption of calcium into your system. If you are allergic to dairy, foods you can use are broccoli, cabbage and carrots for their calcium. In addition, taking a calcium supplement would be a good idea. Herbs that are useful are Chaparral to relieve pain, help heal and strengthen bone; Shavegrass to promote fast healing; Parsley to oxygenate your system; Burdock as a tonic and purifier; Marshmallow, and Slippery Elm for strengthening ligaments and bones; Plaintain for its bone healing properities and Comfrey which heals bone (but is hard on the liver, so use it with Burdock).
The first thing to do is avoid stress! Limit fats, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and meat in your diet. You need to add fiber to your diet (brown rice, grains, raw vegetables, beans), add Vitamins A, E and C as well as magnesium. Herbs for getting rid of cysts and discouraging their development are Yarrow to stop growth; Burdock to purify your system and stop the growth of unhealthy tissue; White Willow to relax the systems and improve blood flow; Raspberry Leaves to regulate hormones; Dandelion Root as a detoxifier and anti-tumor and Kelp as a cleanser of your overall system.
To help alleviate symptoms of Lupus, drink 16 oz of carrot juice daily for safe intake of Vitamin A. Add 100 mg of B complex, 250 mg of PABA, 100 mg of Pantothenic Acid , 50 mg of niacin, 250 mg of B6, 3000 mg of Vitamin C, 2500iu of Vitamin D, 1000iu of Vitamin E, 6 tabs of bone meal and dolomite and 2 tablets of Kelp daily. Herbs you can use effectively are Alfalfa seed as a cellular detoxifier; Celery seed as a blood cleanser; Burdock as a blood cleanser and detoxifier; Chaparral for pain, and as an anti-toxifier; Sarsaparilla to detox; Licorice root for anti-inflammation and Kelp and Cayenne to improve circulation.
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