Put things into motion in such a way that your desires do not manipulate others. Everything can be done in a flowing way that does not force others to your will. Manipulating other people ties your karma up with that individual or group and makes it very hard to make changes later if necessary. And, remember, everything you do returns to you three-fold. Some believe this means 3 times, others believe that the energy is returned to you on the physical, emotional & spiritual levels. Magick is the use of focused energy; the more positive energy you put out, the more positive energy will be returned - the more negative & manipulative energy you put out, the more will be returned. Which would you prefer?
Here is a brief listing of the 3 most common things people do magick for and their basic correspondences:
Stones: Rose Quartz heals & opens the heart to love; Kunzite opens to divine love & purpose; Malachite draws fidelity & true emotions