New Year's Resolution Magic

Fran Carey

© Copyright 2024 Fran Carey, All Rights Reserved.

It can take six months to turn gym going into a habit, and six weeks or longer to lose a habit such as smoking. Almost half of people who make New Year's resolutions like these have quit them by the end of January. Do you want help sticking to your goals? Get a little magic involved!

Magic works by getting all your bits and pieces - your subconscious mind, your conscious mind, your ego, your higher self, and all your parts, working together, and invoking aid from the outside world, as well. It can be a powerful psychological aid, and that can be just what you need to stay on the healthy living pathway.

There are many herbs, stones, and oils whose vibration is sympathetic to your goals, and, since these aren't something you take internally, unless you are allergic, they can't hurt, unlike some pills and potions from pharmaceutical companies and other supplement vendors.

So open yourself to magic and to lasting change and try these spells to help you achieve your realistic goals.

To Increase Your Willpower
Yellow mini candle
Sun oil
Bay leaf herb
Gold Tiger's Eye stone
Yellow pouch
Magician tarot card or sticker

On a Sunday when the moon is waxing (getting bigger), use a sharp object such as a nail to write your goal on the yellow candle. This can be something general like "Exercise twice a week", or something specific like "Do 20 squats a day". Using the Sun oil, anoint the candle from wick to base, stating aloud the goal you wrote as you do so. Light the candle. As it burns, put the oil on the bay leaf and the Tiger's Eye. If using a tarot sticker, put the oil on it as well, holding in mind what your goal is, and picturing yourself actively doing it. If using an actual tarot card, pick it up and hold the bay leaf, the card, and the stone between your hands as you continue to meditate and see yourself not only doing the thing, but enjoying it as you do it.

After 15 minutes, place the stone, the bay leaf, and the tarot sticker in the yellow bag. Put it in front of the candle and let the candle burn out. If using an actual card, put the bag on top of the card and put that in front of the candle. When the candle has burned out, take any left over wax and put it in the bag. Now tie the bag tightly shut and put it in your space. Carry it with you when possible, including in your gym bag. You want to be in its energetic space as much as you can.

This spell doesn't expire, but may weaken with time. If you feel it weakening and you still need it, repeat as necessary.

Magic can also help in the same way with getting rid of a bad habit, such as smoking or stress eating.

To Break a Bad Habit
Black mini candle
Lavender oil
Amethyst stone
Apatite stone
Hyssop herb
Black pouch

On a Saturday when the moon is waning (getting smaller), use a sharp object such as a nail to write the thing you want to get rid of on the black candle. Be as specific as you can, for example, "Smoking cigarettes" or "Stress eating". Using the Lavender oil, anoint the black candle from base to wick. Light the candle. As it burns, anoint the stones, saying as you do, "I release all ties I have to stress eating. I release all need I have for stress eating. I release the desire to stress eat from my mind, my body, and my soul." Or whatever it is you are trying to release. Say this very firmly. Put the stones and the hyssop in the black pouch, and hold it between your hands as you continue to meditate, picturing yourself free from the urges that lead you to engage in the unhealthful behavior.

After 15 minutes, put the pouch of stones and herbs on the altar in front of the candle. Let the candle burn down. When it has done so, take any left over wax and put it in the bag. Tie the bag tightly shut and keep it with you in circumstances in which you are likely to engage in the inappropriate behavior. When the urge comes over you, hold the bag and repeat the release statements or the closest you can come in the moment. Once you have successfully broken the habit, remove the stones from the pouch, keep them in case urges return, then discard the pouch with the herbs and candle wax by burning, burying, or putting it in running water. You don't want those bad habits back!

Just having the literal touch stones can help you remember your goals and why you want to do these things, and can help you stay on track. The added energy of the stones, oils, and herbs can give you even more of a boost. Get out there and don't be the wrong kind of statistic! You got this.

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